Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I wrote this poem in April, but never posted it here. Lately, I have felt distracted from my ministerial purpose, and I dug it up. I thought I would share it here.

Those without hope scurry frantically
In the blinding fog of distraction,
Desperately fumbling for assurance,
Some anchor on which they can rely,
A firm place on which to lean.
These are the true deceptions of Evil:
To distract and confuse,
Then to disguise and impose,
Until the wayward seeker misplaces trust,
And the illusion gives way.
The fall of Man
Came not from a stumbling block,
But from a faulty post
On which his hopes were hitched.
The Light of God never dims.
His glory does not flicker.
So, it is in the eye of man himself
Where Evil finds his playground.
Satan’s fate was sealed in stone
When that of Christ’s tomb was rolled away.
Now the only blows he can strike
Are the souls he can distract
From their mission as ambassadors
For their redeemer king.

This kind of went with it:

is the assurance that what was promised is true.

is the ability to see the Promise through the distraction.

When faith is absent, doubt gives way to fear.

In the absence of hope there is despair.

Add to your faith

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